Home VMware How to deploy Ubuntu VM on ESXi/vCenter

How to deploy Ubuntu VM on ESXi/vCenter

by Mohamed Imthiyaz
ubuntu on esxi

Virtualization has become a cornerstone of modern IT infrastructure, providing unparalleled flexibility, resource optimization, and scalability. In this guide, I will walk through the process of deploying a Ubuntu Virtual Machine (VM) on the popular ESXi hypervisor. This step-by-step guide ensures that even those new to virtualization can successfully set up and configure their Ubuntu VM for optimal performance.

Understanding ESXi and vCenter

ESXi: The Hypervisor

ESXi, developed by VMware, serves as a powerful hypervisor that enables the creation and management of virtual machines. It forms the foundation for virtualization, allowing multiple VMs to run on a single physical host/Server.

vCenter: Managing Virtualized Environments

vCenter complements ESXi by providing centralized management for multiple ESXi hosts. It simplifies tasks such as resource allocation, monitoring, and VM deployment across a cluster of ESXi hosts.

Step 1 – Downloading the Ubuntu ISO

Go to https://ubuntu.com/download/server and download the version you want to install

Step 2 – Uploading the ISO

Login to the ESXi host https://esxi-ip

Go to Storage -> Datastore Browser

Create a new Director called ISO and upload the ISO inside this Directory

Step 3 – Create VM

Go to the Virtual Machines tab and click on Create / Register VM

Click Next – Select your Datastore

I am allocating 2CPU, 2GB Memory with 35GB Hard Disk.

Click on CD/DVD Drive – > Select Datastore and choose the ISO we uploaded in Step 3. Finish

Step 4 – Install Ubuntu

Power on the VM that we created.

Select *Try or Install Ubuntu Server

Select Language -> Keyboard Style -> DHCP or Static IP configure the network.

Install in progress,

Reboot and disconnect ISO CD/DVD drive we connected in the previous step. You can change it from Datastore ISO to Host Device or uncheck the connected option and reboot the VM. or you will see the below error.

Once the reboot is complete, VM is good to go! Hope this helps.

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