Home VMwareAutomation Export All VM Status to CSV from PowerCLI

Export All VM Status to CSV from PowerCLI

by Mohamed Imthiyaz
VM reports

Managing virtual infrastructure can be a time-consuming task, especially when it comes to generating reports. One such report that is often required is a report on the status of virtual machines in a vCenter environment. This report provides information on the power state of each virtual machine.

Let’s see how we can use PowerCLI to automate the generation of virtual machine status reports in a vCenter environment. The script can be easily customized to meet your specific needs and requirements. I am just exporting the status of the VM.

# Connect to the vCenter server
Connect-VIServer -Server <vCenter_Server_Name> -User <Username> -Password <Password>

# Get all virtual machines in the vCenter
$vms = Get-VM

# Create an array to store the virtual machine information
$vmInfo = @()

# Loop through each virtual machine
foreach ($vm in $vms) {

  # Add the virtual machine name and power state to the array
  $vmInfo += New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    Name = $vm.Name
    PowerState = $vm.PowerState

# Export the virtual machine information to a CSV file
$vmInfo | Export-Csv -Path <File_Path>.csv -NoTypeInformation
Write-Output "Completed Generating Report"

# Disconnect from the vCenter server
Disconnect-VIServer -Server <vCenter_Server_Name> -Confirm:$false

With PowerCLI, generating virtual machine status reports in a vCenter environment can be done quickly and easily, saving time and effort compared to manual methods. Whether you’re an IT administrator or a consultant, PowerCLI is a must-have tool for automating your vSphere environment.

PowerCLI provides a fast and efficient way to automate the generation of virtual machine status reports in a vCenter environment. With its powerful set of cmdlets, you can simplify and streamline your reporting processes, saving you time and effort. So if you haven’t already, be sure to start using PowerCLI today!

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